Our success stories
With CRM 360° customer information



"The CRM platform teaches us even more about the needs of our customers. This will help us position our products and services more efficiently and also help us with our business processes, customer service, sales and marketing. TM.RESULTS supported us with professional advice, detailed factual knowledge, both strategic and in the implementation of the CRM platform. This helped us better understand our customers as well."

Dr. Marco Bigatto,
General Director, AIL SA


 Active Customer Care - Customer care and retention efforts

The energy industry is in the midst of significant and radical change. Several factors characterize this transformation: market liberalization, centralized vs. decentralized production with an increasing share of renewable energy, diversified energy procurement, price volatility, introduction of new communication technologies. This reflects the rising expectations of business and residential customers. In order to keep energy prices competitive, it is important to continuously review the strategic approach and appeal to the customer with a powerful and forward-looking multi-utility.

The challenge for the utilities is to be a pro-active part of the transformation of the energy industry and become more flexible to meet changing customer requirements and needs. This is why the Aziende Industriali di Lugano (AIL) SA initiated a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) strategy process – based on a 360° information overview – to help develop further innovative, relevant products and services that meet customer needs.

Offer excellent customer service with CRM 360° customer information

TM.RESULTS helped AIL develop a CRM strategy along with the underlying CRM requirements. The next step was to evaluate the appropriate solution, select the right partner and – finally – to integrate the results into the existing IT architecture.

TM.RESULTS stood behind AIL management team with professional consulting, coaching and practical market experience in the following areas:

  • Developing a CRM strategy (including vision, mission, strategic objectives, business case, and customer, business and technical/IT requirements).
  • Manage and support a detailed CRM selection and evaluation process; initially, select potential solution providers and system integrators; develop RFI (Request for Information) and after a preselection develop a detailed RFP (Request for Proposal).
  • Create a contract with the business and technical requirements and general Terms & Conditions.
  • Monitor the evaluation processes and negotiations with solution providers and system integrators.
  • Overall project management for implementation of the selected CRM solution.

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